Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Under The Sea

Here are a few pictures we took snorkeling in Galapagos. I'm not a huge fan of snorkeling, but some of the best moments from our trip occurred while we were in the water, so I'm glad I didn't miss out.Sea lion. These guys were so playful. They would swim right up to you and then dash off. They also seemed to have a thing for blowing bubbles in our faces, like this little prankster was doing.

Green sea turtle. We saw several of them underwater. They seemed so calm and peaceful, slowly swimming along the rocks.

Galapagos penguin. They look so clumsy and silly on land, but they really are incredibly fast underwater. I had a hard time getting a picture of them because they'd be in and out of the shot before the camera could focus.

Look closely and you will see a flounder in this picture! It's not nearly as charismatic as the other animals, but I was pretty excited to see it. They are so well camouflaged that they can be pretty tough to spot (this one was swimming when I first saw it, so that helped).

We also saw a white-tipped reef shark, about 5 or 6 feet long, but I wasn't fast enough to get a picture of that one before it disappeared. There is nothing quite like seeing these animals in the wild -- pretty incredible.

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