Sunday, March 15, 2009

Preparing for International Travel Part I: Medical Stuff

My husband and I are going to Central America next week and to South America this summer. I had heard people mention taking anti-malarials before traveling to Africa, but that was about all I knew regarding medical preparations for traveling. Turns out that when you're going to a tropical area, you're at risk for all kinds of unpleasant diseases. I was immunized for hepatitis A, yellow fever, and typhoid. I had already had the hepatitis B vaccine and a recent tetanus booster, or I would have needed to get those, too. Plus I received two different prescriptions for anti-malarial antibiotics; the one that works in Central America doesn't work in South America, so I needed two different ones. I start taking the anti-malarials a few days before leaving and continue taking them at least a week after I get back. Finally, I have a prescription for a third antibiotic to take in case I develop "traveler's diarrhea." I'm hoping that all these vaccinations and medications will help keep me healthy while I'm traveling!

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