Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Lack of Follow Through

Well, things have a way of not working out like I planned... I was planning to get a lot of sewing done, upload some pictures and write a few blog posts in the week following my last post. Turns out I spent the week knee-deep in home maintenance projects, which was a success on the having-a-functioning-home front but not so great for sewing or posting.

And then we left for India for 2 weeks so no blogging then. Now we're back and I have 2 weeks of laundry and a dirty house to deal with (how does it get dirty when we're not even here?!?).

So... pictures of all previously mentioned things coming soon, plus India pictures. Still have not finished those 2 quilts but have made a fair bit of progress, so those will hopefully be coming soon too.

I did officially pass the OT exam and receive my Texas license, so I'm ready to start working next week (no travel for me for a while!). I am also very, very relieved to have all that behind me. Whew!

Here's a sneak peek of India pictures to come. This is Humayun's tomb in Delhi. He was the grandfather of the shah who built the Taj Mahal, and the tomb (designed by his wife after he died suddenly) was a precursor to the Taj. It's a really beautiful place!

More coming soon (probably)!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Thanks, Beth! Congrats on passing your exam! That's so exciting!