Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Christmas in April

I made scarves for my grandmothers for Christmas last year. I made this one for my dad's mom and a similar one in shades of blue for my mom's mom. The scarves are just plain and simple garter stitch using Lion Brand trellis yarn, so they were pretty easy to make but the yarn has a neat texture.

I knew I wasn't going to see my mom's mom until after New Year's, so I finished her scarf and mailed it off well before Christmas. I took my time with the other scarf because I usually see my grandma at my aunt's house a day or two after Christmas.

Turns out that she was going to be in California visiting my uncle for the holidays. By the time I realized that I wouldn't see her in person, it was too late to finish the scarf and mail it to her in time. So I planned to finish it off and send it after she got home.

Well, with one thing and another, I finished the scarf but didn't get around to weaving in the ends. So here it is April, and we went to visit my grandma last weekend, and I brought the scarf (with the loose ends dangling) and a penguin gift bag to wrap it in.

I did finally weave in the darn ends in our hotel room, and I wrapped the scarf and gave it to her, and because she is my grandma, she didn't even hassle me for being 4 months late with her Christmas gift. As a matter of fact, she said that she had been wanting a scarf to go with a couple of outfits, and she thought this scarf would be just the ticket. I'm just glad that she liked it!

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