Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Scheming and Dreaming

I always seem to have way more ideas for projects than I can actually complete. And the more I finish, the more my list grows! I'm beginning to think I like thinking about crafting better than actually crafting.

I've got 3 quilts in progress now (the sampler, a gorgeous sunflower quilt that is totally assembled but needs to be quilted, and a third quilt that has been cut out but not pieced at all yet). Plus I have brilliant ideas for 2 quilts for a dear friend's kiddo (who is about to be 2 -- by the time I make her a baby quilt, she'll be in college), as well as quilts for my mom, for my mother-in-law, and for another friend. And my grandma just requested a quilt (any quilt will do, I think) after finding out that I started quilting. Oh, and my husband wants a cathedral window quilt one day.

I also have 3 knitting projects going: a blanket I started a year and a half ago, a scarf I started about the same time, and a lap blanket I started last summer. Oh yeah, and a knitted lion that is done but needs to be sewn together and stuffed. So that makes 4.

And I spent 30 mins this afternoon browsing in a quilt store, gathering fabrics for Mother's Day projects! Although those aren't going to be quilts (sorry, Mom and Mom-in-Law!). So I'm hoping I can get those done and wrapped by next weekend... And I'm sure there's something else I've got planned that I just can't remember at the moment.

Oh well. A girl can dream!

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