Monday, August 24, 2009

What a Weekend

The last week or so has been really fun and busy, especially last weekend!

I finished a baby gift for a dear friend who is expecting her 2nd baby in October and had lunch with her and several other friends on Saturday. (Pictures of the gift to come!). It was great to catch up with everyone!

My husband and I had craft night with Ellen and her husband (who grilled an absolutely delicious meal to sustain all that sewing) and got a ton of sewing done on the first of my 5 secret surprise projects. I'm hoping to get the quilt top finished in the next day or so. Can't share pictures of that one until it's delivered but let me just say that I am thrilled with how it's turning out!

I had lunch with my husband's family -- my father-in-law's top-secret chili recipe and mother-in-law's banana pudding really hit the spot. Then Ellen and I went to the first meeting of the Rockwall Project Linus group. Abby and Jennifer of Texas Quiltworks in Rockwall set up the meeting for folks who were interested in working with the Dallas group but needed a closer meeting place. I had been thinking about making blankets for Project Linus "someday" and when Abby and Ellen mentioned the meeting to me, I just had to go. (It didn't hurt that Ellen was going to go too and willing to carpool -- turns out that Rockwall isn't really closer for me...)

We hung out at Texas Quiltworks for several hours, sewing and chatting and eating Ellen's cupcakes (made from scratch, no less!). I was super excited to make my first-ever string block, and of course I didn't think to take a picture of it because I was so excited to finish it! I brought more fabric home to make a few more blocks, though, so I'll take pictures of those when they're done. I also grabbed a kit to make a small quilt. I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get that done (my to-do list is growing longer by the day!) but I couldn't pass it up.

Then back home for a lovely dinner with my husband and more sewing on the secret surprise quilt #1. Not quite what I would call a relaxing weekend, but fun nonetheless!

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